Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Honey Lavender Frozen Greek Yogurt

Happy National Frozen Yogurt Day! I love making homemade frozen ice cream or yogurt. It is a snap to do and the taste is so much better. You will need to invest in an ice cream maker, but you don't need to spend a lot of money on it. I have this Cuisnart model which runs about $50 on Amazon and I've had it for years. KitchenAid also has an attachment that can be used in their stand mixers that has a 2 qt capacity which I am also thinking about getting as the capacity is greater than my Cuisinart. First world problems, but worth it considering given how tasty this recipe is!

Ingredients (makes approximately 1 qt of frozen yogurt)

3/4 cup of local honey
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of water
2 T dried lavender blossoms (optional)
1/8 t salt
2 cups plain whole fat Greek Yogurt
1 t vanilla extract
1 cup of buttermilk
5 t fresh lemon juice

Combine honey, sugar and water in a sauce pan over low heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. If you wish to infuse the lavender blossoms, toss them in now and let the mixture cool to room temperature or at least 1 hour. Strain blossoms before going to the next step. Whisk in the remaining ingredients and toss in the fridge, preferably overnight, but at least six hours. Meanwhile, be sure your ice cream maker bowl is in the freezer and frozen solid. Place mixture in your ice cream maker and freeze according to instructions that came with your machine. Transfer to a air tight container like a Tupperware bowl and freeze until firmed up.

NOTE: I'm sure someone will say "Too much fat" with the full-fat Greek yogurt. I personally think it is worth it, but don't go any lower than 2% or you will lose all that creaminess.

Enjoy with a drizzle of honey and fresh berries or just plain. Stupendous!

Image via Flikr

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